Web programming

A modern website is like a business card.

At the same time, it is the heart of the organisation of the marketing system. Therefore, before you start designing or updating your website, you need to assess your objectives, clarify them and answer the following questions:

Who is your target audience
(age of customers, etc.)?

What is the purpose of the website?

What indicators will we measure?

Equally important is to plan the steps forward:

Equally important is to plan the steps forward:

  • Security promotions (SSL certificates);

  • Management system and integration with other applications;

  • Website design requirements;

  • Key keywords;

  • Page structure;

  • Customer conversion tools;

  • Information linkage, care purchasing;

  • Information sharing on social networks;

  • Speed performance parameters;

  • SEO.

Where does it all start?

Once we start working together and setting goals, we take things one step at a time, building a team of professionals.

  1. Situation analysis
    We resolve the issues during the discussion and develop a plan and structure.

  2. Design development
    We carry out a survey, make a visualisation, refine and validate it before starting the programming process.

  3. Programming
    The programming of the website is carried out by experienced IT specialists.

  4. Content preparation and uploading
    We prepare and upload text, images, illustrations and videos.

  5. Website testing
    We test the performance of the website.

  6. Launching the website
    We agree on the last notes and make the website visible to everyone.

  7. Discussing and administering the site
    We train the person in charge in the intricacies of the site’s administration and suggest that the administration be left to the developers.

Our completed projects

After listening to our customer’s wishes and needs, we bring together the professionals in our team to ensure that the goal is achieved as efficiently and quickly as possible. In the end, we deliver the best possible result for our customers.

Nemokama konsultacija

Have ideas but not sure
how to implement them?
Let’s talk.

Please consult with us

How much does it cost?

Fill in the form below and we'll give you a commercial offer within 48 hours!

Get your marketing department up and running:

Do you have a planned advertising budget?

How much does it cost?

Sign up for a free 30-minute consultation, during which we will offer you the best price based on your expectations.

Choose the services you want:

Budget I plan to spend on marketing
team department:

Please specify your expectations

Nemokamas internetinės svetainės auditas

Internetinės svetainės auditas – tai procedūra, kurios metu išanalizavus įmonės rinkodaros strategiją įvertinamas internetinės svetainės efektyvumas, stipriosios ir silpnosios pusės. Tokiu būdu gerinamas našumas bei pasiekiama dar geresnių rezultatų.

Social media marketing

Social networks are a great way to improve communication with your customers. It is a tool that helps you learn about the expectations, desires and goals of the people you work with.

Free Facebook Ads Audit

Siekiant žinoti, kas veikia, o ką reikėtų dar tobulinti, pasitelkiamas Facebook Ads auditas, padedantis gerinti klientų veiklą.

Free Google Ads Audit

Atlikus nemokamą Google Ads auditą, klientui pateikiama išsami analizė su konkrečiais patarimais, kaip galima dar labiau tobulėti ir judėti toliau.

Sign up for a consultation

Norėdami užsisakyti turinio rinkodaros paslaugas, sužinoti jų kainą ar pasikalbėti kitais rūpimais klausimais, užpildykite žemiau esančią formą ir mes susisieksime su Jumis kaip galima greičiau.

Choose the preferred service:

Please specify your expectations

Free SEO Audit

A free SEO audit is a tool that helps determine whether you are well-visible in search engines. During the audit, we identify the most significant issues. By entrusting this task to our team of professionals, you will improve much faster.

Užpildę formą, galėsite ištestuoti AI pokalbių robotą.

Gaukite pasiūlymą AI pokalbių robotui.

Užpildę formą, galėsite ištestuoti AI pokalbių robotą.

Gaukite pasiūlymą AI pokalbių robotui.